In our experience, the city line marking machine should be a flexible self-propelled machine that can be easily manoeuvred in city areas and small road stretches, while being able to adapt to more difficult and narrow surfaces.

Our recommendations of city machines are the BM 1500 and BM 2000, which have been designed with such requirements in mind.


A self-propelled machine fit for major line marking jobs in urban areas and on highways.

In our experience, such a line marking machine needs to be supplied with a large material capacity and high application speed. Its high capacity and compromise between size and manoeuvrability also make it very suitable for major urban line marking jobs.

Our recommendations of machines for main roads are the BM 2000 and BM 3000, which have been designed with such requirements in mind.


The largest self-propelled line marking solutions. Having high flexibility and capacity makes this solution the best and most uncompromising choice for any major line marking job anywhere in the world. This is the high-end choice for major road marking jobs on highways and in urban areas, together with line marking on motorways and airports. 

Our recommendations of machines for motorways are the BM 3000, the BM 5000 and the BM 5500.


Airport line marking is a challenging industrial activity due to very distinctive maintenance and safety requirements.

In accordance with the line width you require, a wide retainer and up to five paint guns and 5 glass bean guns can be mounted, which assures that the application is performed in a single pass and can be up to 125 cm.

Based on your requirements, Borum airport machines can be equipped with more material tanks (and separate airless pumps), so that multi-color marking can be carried out simultaneously.

It's straightforward


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