
Shoulder rumble strips are already widely used throughout the world. Highways and two lane rural roads have a number of single vehicle run-of-the-road crashes and crashes from cars going across the centerline and colliding with on-coming vehicles. This has inspired different stakeholders to experiment with centerline rumble strips in order to prevent head-on collisions. Centerline rumble strips are placed between opposing lanes of traffic to alert drivers that they have crossed over into the path of oncoming traffic. These raised or grooved patterns suddenly produce an uncomfortable vibration and noise as the motor vehicle tires pass over the rumble strips, so as to stimulate the driver’s attention, and consequently act as countermeasures against run-off-the-road accidents and head-on collisions.
International studies demonstrate that the centerline rumble strips is a very effective measure to reduce the road traffic accidents, especially the roads on the rural areas. While some studies show a reduction in head-on collision accidents of around 20%, other international studies suggested they can reduce accident numbers by up to around 55%.
Borum machines are used for applying this kind of markings in different places around the world, such as the US, Australia and Denmark. Below you can see some photos of this type of marking. The profiled application can be applied as extruded profiles in thermoplastic material or as a 2-component profile application.